Not too far to travel to Barford St. Michael, the Friday night camp for this trip - only about nine miles from home. It was raining by the time I arrived to set up. No problem though and, after a meal (cooked twelve months ago and dehydrated, rehydrated now and very good), we headed to the pub just down the road. Saturday was wet, as forecast, for much of the day and very muddy as we headed east of Banbury to Great Bourton. Sunday's weather was a complete contrast. It was possible the warmest day of the year so far and the sun shone all day. Thje return route was west of Banbury.

I had to take this photo. This Jack Russell shared her master's tent. As he packed up in the morning, she lay on his sleeping bag; when this was put away, she moved on to the next thing. When all the gear was put in the backpack, she sat on that until even that disappeared.

I had to take this photo. This Jack Russell shared her master's tent. As he packed up in the morning, she lay on his sleeping bag; when this was put away, she moved on to the next thing. When all the gear was put in the backpack, she sat on that until even that disappeared.